Technology Overview


Patent 12149091 issued on November 19th 2024

Energy Management System (EMS) with the following capabilities:

  • Monitor current, voltage, wattage
  • Monitor Temp, Humidity
  • Monitor any 3rd party sensor
  • Monitor of Monitors


                Patent number 12224704 was issued February 11, 2025

Cools PV panels for increased PV output and life extension
  • Captures heat from the solar panels; increasing PV output, enhancing production, and improving the lifetime of the PV panels
  • Reduced heat stress on PV panels allowing for increased PV output and increased longevity.
  • Energy production increases of up to 13.8% on a yearly basis and up to 19.9% on a monthly basis depending on time of year




Collecting excess solar energy for making water at night

Claims allowance phase of patent pending

  • The Enertopia Rainmaker has the potential to collect more PV during the day, while also making water at night. 
  • Based on a 1 MW PV array, the RAINMAKER system has the potential to create as much as 5,446 gallons of water per hour when the system is operating at maximum atmospheric efficiency, assuming a PV panel size of 80” x 40”.
  • 30 MW PV array could potentially produce up to 163,980 gallons of water per hour at night under peak operating conditions.

Clean Energy Consultants

Mark Snyder

Solar expert, professional inventor, forensic electrical expert, master electrician, pv thermal expert, battery expert, inverter expert , biogas waste to energy, recycling expert, and organic farming expert 42yrs in the fields of solar PV, Thermal, heat recovery, water pumping, sustainable agriculture and water management.

Mr. Barry Brooks

Mechanical Engineer, inventor on provisional patent application number 2. Barry has over 50 years of engineering experience has developed dozens of energy efficient products & ventilation methods for commercial applications.

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